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1 Translation result for obstinate in Spanish


obstinate adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
obstinado, terco

Example sentences of
obstinate adjective

  • He gets in trouble because of his obstinate refusal to obey.
  • My parents remain as obstinate as ever.

Synonyms of
obstinate adjective

Detailed synonyms for obstinate adjective

Obstinate, dogged, stubborn, unyielding significan rígido e inflexible en conducta o propósito.
  • Obstinate indica normalmente una perseverancia porfiada o irrazonable <her obstinate refusal to notice how the world had changed>.
  • Dogged connota una perseverancia que es tenaz, y a veces hosca e inquebrantable <known as a dogged reporter>.
  • Stubborn indica una firmeza e inmutabilidad innatas que resisten todo intento de cambiar o abandonar una línea de conducta o una opinión <a stubborn child who would only eat what he liked>.
  • Unyielding connota aferrarse firmemente a una posición <their unyielding opposition to the new policy>.
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Reverse translation for obstinate

obstinado  - obstinate, stubborn, persistent 
terco  - obstinate, stubborn